Yesterday was great and I ended up the evening by having a very relaxing dinner with Sr. Kass over in Baltimore. By the time I got home, I went right to bed as I had the 7:30am Mass this morning.

First, the non – verbal celebration was vey nice and a “learning experience” for all of us. We had four young people who are in different stages of communication skills. We did some very nice things with incense and pictures and some small objects that the children could have a tactil experience. We used the same tune throughout the service. It was Jesus in the morning, Jesus in the mid day, and Jesus when the sun goes down. We learned signs for the song and we changed the first word to “Alleluia”, “Jesus” “Amen” and spaced that throughout the parts of the Mass. Everyone seemed comfortable with that. At the end, I blessed each person individually with the painting of the Smiling Jesus, that had been on a podium throughout the Mass. Afterwards, we had food and drink in our social hall and we had a chance to evaluate the service. We hope to do it again soon.

Afterwards, I took a nap and then I had confessions at 4pm and helped with Communion at the 5:30pm. Then I drove over to Catonville and met Kass at a very nice Greek restaurant. We spent about three hours talking and “catching up”. I really enjoyed it.

This morning I had the 7:30Mass and I preached about Franz Jagerstattter, a courageous martyr from Austria during World War II. I thought it fit in well with the Gospel, where the disciples of Jesus (and us 2000 years later) were called to be lights to the world. Franz was certainly that and more.
Then I had the 10:30 in the gym. I do love that crowd. There are many families with 4 and 5 little children. I have them up around the altar and they are so enthusiastic and reverent. Also the music is so happy and well participated in by the congregation.
I had an appointment with a young couple from my St. Bernard’s days who were interested in my officiating at their wedding. I had said yes, but I was confused. I already have a wedding that day – in North Carolina. I don’t know how I could have gotten those dates mixed up. I am hoping to be able to find a priest who will do a good job for them in June.
At 2pm I had a baptism. The couple, Liz and Philip are the parents of 5 other children and I just love to see them all at Mass. They were at the 7:30am Mass earlier today and I said to them, “Boy, this is going to be a long day in church!” but the kids seem to love being here also. The new baby, Sarah Kimberly was so laid back during the ceremony. They had lots of family there. I think Liz is one of 11 children. She and Philip are part of our pre-cana speakers program and I have been with them. Phil’s dad who died this year was one of the 6:30am Mass group that were so welcoming to me when I came last year.
So I had a great pastoral day and I just finished watching the Steelers lose to Green Bay. I had divided loyalties because of my two seminaries. Have the 11am Mass tomorrow, so I can sleep in, which I also love to do.


  1. Kass says:

    I know you were REALLY rooting for the Steelers….but I’m a happy camper with this outcome!! Had a mini-superbowl party in Pop’s apartment with phone connections with Cris and Ed in CA during the last 5 minutes. Enjoy this mild weather day!

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